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3 reasons to offer your clients monthly security reports

Oct 31, 2022


Why provide monthly security reports? 

MSPs today manage much more than just traditional office and storage software for their clients. They’re responsible for managing their clients’ SAAS platforms. And, as most companies moved to a cloud-based working environment, MSPs must ensure their clients’ cybersecurity too. Whether cloud apps, DLP, email, or even endpoints, everything is the MSP’s duty to keep safe. 

But most SMB clients don’t know that cybersecurity for cloud-based platforms is not as ‘built-in.’ Often, SMBs who outsource their IT needs to an MSP think that they are safe. So they don’t take action or build a cybersecurity strategy. They assume that their MSP already took care of all cybersecurity matters on their behalf. In fact, 74% of them said that they will sue their MSP in case of a breach

MSPs are facing a new challenge. On one hand, more companies are beginning to understand the value of cybersecurity. But on the other hand, they are not always willing to pay the additional costs associated with reliable security platforms.  

Even if the cost and effort is minimal, it is still difficult to get the customers on board.  

A simple way to avoid this situation is to provide SMBs with a monthly security review. Here are three more reasons to provide monthly cybersecurity reports. 

Reason #1 

A monthly security report shows the true value of the MSP’s services. When MSPs “handle” things, it’s easy to forget that a lot goes on below the surface. The client is only looking at what’s above the surface. They’re completely unaware of the threats, and risk of possible attacks that the MSP successfully prevented.  

Think of a monthly report as a look-how-we-kept-you-safe-this-month report. That is how you show clients the reason they are not in trouble. The reason they can keep their business routine. And the reason they can sleep at night. 

Reason #2 

Sending a monthly report is a way to ensure regulatory compliance. What if that one-in-a-million hack targets your client? A monthly report is a way to show that you have alerted and kept guard of possible threats. It’s also a very good legal defense if a security lawsuit is coming your way. 

Reason #3 

A monthly security report is the best way to keep cybersecurity on your client’s mind. SMBs are usually busy with pushing their revenue and margins, they might think of cybersecurity as an additional cost and not a necessity. That monthly reminder of the cyber dangers is the best way to make sure security stays on their mind and on their planned budget. 

In short, a monthly report is the best way to articulate your ongoing value to the client, to protect yourself legally and to make sure cyber security is still your clients’ priority. 

Coro makes producing such a monthly report effortless. In fact, you don’t even have to do anything to get it. All data comes automatically from the accounts connected to the platform.  

Now all you have to do is engage with your client. Build a personal relationship and make them feel you got their back. Also, with everything done for you, and with your clients’ trust in you, it will be much easier for you to increase your scope of services based on the risks the report details. 

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